
Kelly Washburn

Senior Director
Workforce Development

Kelly Washburn, Fedcap Inc.’s Senior Director Workforce Operations has over 13 years’ experience in Vocational Rehabilitation and Workforce Development programing.

Her career has primarily been focused on helping economically disadvantaged individuals attain meaningful employment. She started her career in Workforce Development working for Goodwill Industries in Astoria, NY where she was the coordinator for their Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation Program. Kelly then moved on and worked for a large multimillion dollar for profit company, in the Wellness, Comprehensive Assessment, Rehabilitation and Employment (WeCARE) program located in Brooklyn, NY. She started out managing programs for Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation and Work Experience and was eventually promoted to Deputy Director of Vocational Rehabilitation overseeing all Vocational Services.

In 2013 Kelly began working for the HOPE Program, a small non-profit organization making a big footprint in Workforce Development. As their Director of Employment and Graduate Services and oversaw all employment, retention and advancement programming. After two years at The HOPE Program Kelly returned to the WeCARE program under Fedcap’s management, where she helped launch the successful start-up of the Region I contract, and where she was responsible for Vocational Rehabilitation and Wellness Services.

Most recently Kelly was the Executive Director at the Institute for Career Development, a small non-profit in lower Manhattan with a mission to transform individuals with disabilities lives through career development and employment. In the year that she was there she successfully launched 3 new training programs certified under the New York State Department of Education, improved systems, enhanced programing, and increased overall job placement and retention rates.

Kelly has a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Elementary Education from SUNY Cortland and a Master’s degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Services from Hunter College. She is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC.)

@2024 Fedcap Inc.