
Fedcap Inc. Awarded $4 Million by the U.S. Department of Labor to Provide Pre-Release Job Training and Wrapround Services to Incarcerated People Prior to Release

July 26, 2022

(New York, NY) Fedcap Inc. was awarded a $4MM Pathway Home program grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to provide training and employment services to adults reentering the workforce following incarceration in a local jail or state correctional facility. Fedcap Inc. will provide training and employment services to incarcerated people in New York City who are scheduled for release within 20 to 270 days from the time they enroll in the project.

Fedcap Inc. was one of only 18 organizations in 14 states to be awarded a grant and has a record of success working with individuals reentering the community, one-on-one counseling to prepare individuals with post-release needs, providing training in work readiness, resume development, workplace culture, as well in-demand workforce certifications such as construction industry training and custodial maintenance training. Fedcap Inc. will also work with local employers who need motivated staff that are trained and ready for a fresh start in the community. A recent report by the Brookings Institution has found lower recidivism from returning citizens if they have sustainable employment.

Grant Collins, Senior Vice President of Workforce Development, said “We thank the U.S. Department of Labor for this critically important grant to help transition returning citizens into sustainable careers through Fedcap Inc.’s successful pre-release job training and services. A sustainable job has been shown to reduce crime and recidivism. This important federal funding will help ensure that those individuals reentering the community are set up for success.”

About Fedcap Inc.
Fedcap Inc. has served more than 111K individuals, including placing nearly 9,000 individuals from underserved communities in jobs.

Fedcap Inc. is one of the companies of The Fedcap Group that is dedicated to workforce development. The Fedcap Group is a global network of nonprofit agencies dedicated to advancing the lives of people with barriers to economic and social well-being and has developed scalable, innovative and potentially disruptive solutions to some of society’s most pressing needs since 1935.  The Fedcap Group generates more than $400M of revenue annually to serve over 250,000+ people each year across an international footprint. The work of The Fedcap Group is structured within four major areas of practice—workforce development, educational services, health services, and economic development— and delivered through a growing number of top-tier companies—each focused on helping people achieve long term economic well-being.

Susan Walsh
The Fedcap Group

@2025 Fedcap Inc.